Facilitate access to information and services for persons with disabilities through vulnerable focal points
Stockpiling / pre-positioning of assistive devices/mobility aids
Setting up of ‘Step Down Care Facilities’ in or near hub and satellite hospitals including open space
Referral linkages with hub and satellite hospital networks; specialized rehabilitation service providers, community based rehabilitation; and social protection agencies
Health Emergency as a cycle
First National Conference on Post-hospital Care for emergencies in Nepal
Five core function of HEOC (Management, Operation, Planning, Logistic, Finance/ Administration)
Need of contingency plan at different levels : Provincial, district, municipality, hospital, health facilities level
As per information, in general province has allocated 3-50% of the budget for Disaster & Emergency.
fig: Inaugural by Hon State Minister of Ministry of Health and Population Dr Surendra Kumar Yadav fig: Welcome Remarks by Chuda Mani Bhandari, Chief, HEDMU/ HEOC
Declaration from first National Conference on Post hospital care for emergencies in Nepal